Sun-dried tomatoes "Ai-Tokol"
Sun-dried tomatoes are ripe tomatoes that have been dried in the sun or in the oven and have lost most of their moisture, making their flavor even more intense.
The history of this snack begins in sunny Italy, where vegetables were laid out on tiled roofs and dried in the sun. Such fruits were well stored, and their rich taste and spicy aroma won the hearts of gourmets.
For longer storage and to give them an even more spicy taste, sun-dried tomatoes are poured with cold extra virgin olive oil, rosemary, garlic and thyme are added.
In their pure form, sun-dried tomatoes are resilient and long-lasting. They chew easily, slowly and with great pleasure. The taste of summer tomatoes from the garden gradually reveals itself in the mouth... With a slight sourness and natural shades of sweet and salty taste.
Sun-dried tomatoes are often used as an addition to hot dishes, giving them a bright accent. Risottos, pastas, soups or stews go harmoniously with the product. Spicy tomatoes in baked goods are a godsend for lovers of pizza or savory pies. And the easiest option is to put the snack on crispy toast.
The product is famous not only for its amazing taste, but also for its significant benefits to the body. Thus, 100 g of processed tomatoes contains half the daily requirement of iron. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, choline normalizes fat metabolism. Serotonin, which fruits are rich in, improves mood. But it is worth remembering that dried tomatoes are a high-calorie snack, so it is better to eat them in small portions.