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Fuet Chuyskaya

Fuet Chuyskaya

Aged dry-cured lamb sausage, prepared according to the original recipe.

The name "fuete" reflects its unusual shape: the Spanish fuete means "whip".

The art of drying meat appeared much earlier, about 1700-2000 years ago, in the 3rd-4th centuries, approximately in the territory of Altai, along the mouth of the Yenisei River, where the ancient Kyrgyz previously lived. At that time, the natives of this area, wandering from one nomadic camp to another, dried and ate meat along the way.

Fuet Chuyskaya is prepared from the lean part of lamb grown in the foothills of the Tien Shan at an altitude of 3000 meters, in the resort area of Issyk-Ata. It is dried with salt and black pepper in the gut for 6-8 weeks. During cooking, white spots form on the sausage, caused by white “noble” mold, which gives it a characteristic taste and smell with a mushroom aroma.

In the process of drying meat, beneficial substances are almost not destroyed. Therefore, such sausages contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the body. There are no flavor enhancers in traditional Fouette sausage recipes. Its aroma is achieved with the help of spices and garlic.

The Spaniards believe that the taste of dry-cured sausage stimulates the appetite, so it is served as an appetizer before the main meal. Fouette is cut into thin slices and combined with noble cheeses and dry red wines, and light snacks are also prepared with it.


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